Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Grandchicks!

"Suzy's Chicks"
Watercolor on Arches W/C Paper, 11x14
Not for Sale

This is a watercolor that I painted for my daughter Suzy as a gift when she graduated from Veterinary School in May 2013. Yes, they were her chicks and unfortunately were brutally attacked by a random murderer in the wild of Ft. Collins, CO. Oh well, the circle of life I guess. They were great little creatures although I only saw them for a week when they were still little chickadees.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Back to the Easel

"Ya, I'm Talkin' to You!"
Acrylic, 6x8, 3/4" Cradled Gessoboard 

Wow, I produced a painting, albeit a quirky thing, this week! I like this fellow (it just speaks male to me, I don't know...) and I continue my obsession with crows. I can't help it, they are so interesting and the black on black issue is a bit of a painting challenge that I enjoy. As always, critiques and comments welcomed!